This started as pictures taken from my cell phone (keitai) in Japan, but now that we're back in the U.S. it has evolved into a running commentary on all things Japanese. Look for more pictures each week of stuff from Japan through the eyes of a gaijin (foreigner).

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Real Men DO Wear Pink

Was visiting a family we know recently and saw this guy, 15, all decked out in pink. The pastel sweatshirt wasn't too unusual, but the matching sweatpants, bathing him head to toe in a fuzzy pink glow surprised me. And I really couldn't figure out the huge girly barette in his hair either. To top it all off, he had a matching pink cell phone. Apparently, this is not a statement about sexual preference, but the latest fashion craze among young Japanese men.

According to an article in the Washington Post from September 2005, gender roles in Japan are changing as more women enter the workforce and men are embracing their feminine side. There's even a chain of spas for men, called, aptly enough, "Dandy House" where men can get facials, undergo weight-loss programs and get their eyebrows plucked.

The article quoted Marco Shimomura, VP of Dandy House:"Japan has never really stressed the concept of being macho in a Western sense, but what we find now is that men are actively seeking the soft and smooth look that is considered so attractive now. They aren't scared of getting their hairs plucked. And believe me, it hurts."

Seems to me a guy must be pretty confident in his masculine side to do something so traditionally feminine, especially in a society where gender roles are usually so differentiated. I have to say, I find the attitude refreshingly attractive.

If you want to know more, you can read the whole article here:

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Vote for Nakamura

Right behind this guy is the shinkansen (bullet train) station next to my English school. For the past few weeks we have been bombarded hourly with blasts of speakers mounted to the top of cars blaring out campaign slogans. Guess there was a major election here last week. Anyway, one day we were going to grab some lunch when this van pulled up outside our school and about 20 people jumped out, all wearing these nice green jackets (every candidate has a different color -- kinda like a high school football team) listening attentively as another green-jacketed escapee from the Master's tournament solemnly talked about their candidate. I tried to take a discreet picture, but this guy caught me and seemed willing to pose . . . so point, click! Kaycee's keitai strikes again!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Horse meat anyone?

Went to a party at a friend's house last week and they had wonderful sushi platters spread out around the room. Since I usually can't afford this delicacy, I quickly swiped my favorites -- salmon, tuna and cod roe -- staying away from the raw shrimp and squid. I know the Japanese enjoy raw beef, but I was a bit grossed out when they asked me if I wanted some raw horse meat! Had to take a pic of that one. There it is in all it's glistening, red glory.

Bon appetit!

Thursday, April 5, 2007


I love my new cell phone! Of course, I had one in the U.S., but it was nothing like my magnificant pink all-in-one handy tool. I can make phone calls of course, but I can also:
  • Take pictures in both directions. Meaning, I can turn the viewer so it points at me. That way I can take a pic of myself in front of some landmark just by holding the phone in front of me.
  • Shoot videos up to 30 seconds.
  • Send/receive e-mails.
  • Keep a calendar/diary with reminders
  • Play music
  • write memos
  • use the internet! (If I pay for it)

I read somewhere that most Japanese are in love with their cell phones and judging by the numbers of them I see playing with their cell phones on the trains, as they walk down the street and even while riding their bikes, I think it is truly a match made in heaven.

Being a single mom on a limited budget, I don't often buy toys for myself, but I couldn't resist the trend to get a cell phone, aka "keitai" in Japanese.

I also thought it would be fund to start a simple blog where I post things I've snapped with my keitai and share them with the world. Even if no one else is amused, it's fun for me and gives me some cheap entertainment.

I've made up one simple rule for myself: any picture I use MUST be taken with my keitai. No cheating and taking a picture with a real camera and pretending I took it with my keitai.

Check back regularly or sign up for updates to get the latest picture and bit of cultural trivia from a squarepeg perspective on life in Japan.
